With a “site-specific” performative intervention, Danilo Milovanović will intervene on a wall that hides thirty years of continuous creation in its countless layers, which is why it is regarded as the so-called Slovenian "Hall of Fame" within the graffiti subculture. With the intervention, he wants to problematize the attitude of the city authorities towards self-formed cultures and self-organised communities Therefore, his intervention will end with the tearing down of the wall. Danilo Milovanović primarily focuses on art in the public space in the field of theory and practice.
Danilo Milovanović bo s “site-specific” performativno intervencijo posegel na steno, ki v svojih neštetih plasteh skriva trideset let nenehnega ustvarjanja, zaradi česar znotraj grafitarske subkulture predstavlja t. i. slovenski "Hall of Fame". Z intervencijo želi problematizirati odnos mestnih oblasti do samoniklih kultur in samoorganiziranih skupnosti in tako se bo tudi njegov poseg zaključil v obliki rušenja stene. Danilo Milovanović se primarno ukvarja z umetnostjo v javnem prostoru na področju teorije in prakse.