Mathieu Tremblin (1980) is a French artist, researcher and teacher. He implements simple and playful processes of action inspired by anonymous, autonomous and spontaneous practices and expressions in urban space in order to question the systems of legislation, representation and symbolization of the city. He has also been developing a PhD research about the links between independent art practices, urbanities and globalization linked to various formats of curation and publication.
Since the first commissioned graffiti mural “Sax Pub” from 1985 has faded over the decades, Mathieu Tremblin will perform a wrong restoration inspired by analog photography, thus inverting the entire appearance of the mural. Wrong restoration is a principle of intervention that imitates the work of eager workers or citizens on ancient or contemporary murals that have been erased by time or defaced by vandal acts. The result of this wrong restoration of neo-mural works is an altered or alternative version of the mural. Instead of restoring the mural to its original state, it maintains its intermediate status, neither accurate nor destroyed. It acknowledges a graphical consensus on how to represent the legitimate presence and tension between graffiti and muralism, vandalism and decoration. Mathieu Tremblin (FR) is a visual artist and a PhD in Visual Arts at Strasbourg University. His theory and practice are inspired by anonymous, autonomous and spontaneous expressions in urban space that challenge the order of law, representation and symbolization of the city. He works on site-specific urban interventions using the method of walks, the design of tools and the détournement of objects. Co-produced by Sax Pub.
Ker je prvotni mural "Sax Pub" iz leta 1985 skozi desetletja zbledel, bo Mathieu Tremblin izvedel napačno obnovo po navdihu analogne fotografije ter tako invertiral celoten izgled poslikave. Napačna obnova je načelo intervencije, ki posnema delo nadobudnih delavcev ali državljanov na starodavnih ali sodobnih stenskih poslikavah, ki jih je izbrisal čas ali ki so uničene zaradi vandalizma. Rezultat te napačne obnove neo-poslikav je spremenjena ali alternativna različica murala. Namesto da bi poslikavo povrnila v prvotno stanje, ohranja svoj vmesni status, ki ni niti točen niti uničen. Priznava grafično soglasje o tem, kako predstaviti legitimno prisotnost in napetost med grafiti in poslikavami, vandalizmom in dekoracijo. Mathieu Tremblin (FR) je vizualni umetnik in doktor vizualnih umetnosti na Univerzi v Strasbourgu. Njegovo teorijo in prakso navdihujejo anonimni, avtonomni in spontani izrazi v urbanem prostoru, ki izzivajo pravni red, reprezentacijo in simbolizacijo mesta. Deluje na “site-specific” urbanističnih posegih z uporabo metode sprehodov, oblikovanja orodij in sprevračanjem objektov. V koprodukciji s Sax Pubom.